Linus TornqvistPresident of the Tam Computer Science and Machine Learning Club. Linus knows Javascript and C# and spends most of his time coding with the p5.js graphics library. |
Trevor IslamArmed with his knowledge of Java, Trevor Islam has created and trained a neural network from scratch. His math genius has provided him with an in depth knowledge of the linear algebra and calculus used in machine learning. |
Jasper KunzJasper is an expert in p5.js graphics and native Javascript. Known for iconic titles such as "Racing Game" and "Smash", Jasper has created multiple games and has acquired an advanced comprehension of game design. |
Ariana GreenbergAriana has experience coding in python and is knowledgeable in many computer science concepts. She is the artist behind the CSML club poster, and her grandfather was an animation innovator. |
Adnan AshrafAKA Zatgangsta, Adnan is famous on YouTube for creating minecraft mods in Java. He knows enough math to teach a class on anything we cover in CSML club. Adnan has a talent of finding practical uses for Java programming outside of school. |
Foster AngusJavascript, HTML, and CSS extraordinaire. Foster Angus is the mastermind behind the website you are viewing right now. Foster also has experience with python and machine learning. |
Bennet MatazzoniBennet is our second HTML and CSS expert. He has experience creating websites and using APIs, very useful when we start making AI products that recquire large databases |
Carson HarrellCarson Harrell is an avid computer scientist, and knows languages such as C++, Python, Java, and can build websites with Django. He has made many projects ranging from artificial intelligence models to data visualization on his own, and has taken classes at College of Marin in computer science. |